Kaffe Fassett
Years ago I was married to a Brit and living in London. My tea drinking, freelance illustrator neighbor turned me on to Kaffe Fassett. If you are not familiar with him, he is a textile, knitware/needlepoint designer. I fell in love with his designs and colors and immediately started making his tapestry pillow kits. He's recently made a push toward the textile industry but started out dropping out of art school in England to do his own knitting designs. He's an American - born in San Francisco but living in England since the '60's, so he might as well be a Brit. In this age of muted colors (or as the Brits write it: "colours") it's refreshing for me to see such intense color in such quantity. It's so rich you can almost taste it.
If you like Kaffe Fassett, you love this quilt!
If you like Kaffe Fassett, you love this quilt!