Watch Hill, Rhode Island

Ah! Summer at the beach! Last Saturday we crammed the kids in the car and headed for Watch Hill, Rhode Island - a little over an hours drive. You know how kids are - they all get along for about 3/4 of the trip and then it turns ugly ;-) But soon we arrived - no blood had been shed. We paid our $20 for parking - OUCH! and headed for the dunes, and the beautiful sands of the beach at Watch Hill.
THIS is what summer in New England is all about!

My girl's walking through the dunes to the beach.

How's this for a summer house?

Or this one!

Olympia Tea Room - Carousel - Beach - Dunes

Watch Hill Light House

Sunset, Watch Hill

Love the beach? An 1800s home on Cape Cod.


Hey Harriet said…
Waaah! It seems to be Summer everywhere except for where I am right now. Phooey! Love those Summer houses. I'd happily stay in those anytime! That photo of the Watch Hill Lighthouse is stunning! There's something quite magical about the look of lighthouses. I always find them beautiful. Even the old run-down looking ones. Glad you're enjoying your Summer :)
Voilà un endroit de rêve que j'aimerai connaître.
A bientôt.
heidi said…
GORGEOUS pics!!!!!!! Wish i was there right now...
Laura in Paris said…
Oh how I wish I could be sitting in that beautiful red chair having a cup of tea and some scones in Olympia's tea room.
SandraRee said…
Absolutely breathtaking! I love the beach and this is just perfect paradise!
littlebyrd said…
Your pictures are like postcards!! Those summer houses are quite fab!
Robin said…
Great pics!! Today would have been a good day to play hooky and go to the beach. Actually, pretty much any day is a good day to play hooky... and go to the beach.
TIG said…
Definitely a perfect way to spend the summer!
Lydee said…
exquisite! beautiful beach houses, love the eyebrow windows.
Diane said…
It is time for me to paint now but I went scrolling thru blogs and found your wonderful one... love the beach house -- great inspiration before I paint... would you like to link?
Diane said…
Love your blog -- would like to exchange links-- please look over my blog

But $20 to park! Holy moly!
vosgesparis said…
yeah beautiful beach houses... I haven't seen a sky that blue in years !
dee said…
That top summer house photo is GORGEOUS! Like something out of Camelot (the Kennedys, that is!) Hope you're having a great weekend :)
pve design said…
I adore Rhode Island and your day at the beach makes me long for some sand, a cool drink and a home like that! One needs that after a road trip with children.
Look Left Karen said…
Wow, your photos are exquisite! New England looks stunning...ah summer it is but a distant memory for me at the moment as we are in the full forces of winter in the Southern Hemisphere! Lucky you!
StaroftheEast said…
Gorgeous houses, wow!
Larry said…
That is a very scenic area. I would get a summer house like that for myself as long as someone else was willing to buy it for me.
Flower said…
Ideal summer living!! Thanks for sharing such an amazing place!!
What's with the parking price?
Enjoy every moment...the sky is beautiful!!
Wow, Watch Hill looks like such a beautiful place! In the summer of 1995 I worked on Block Island, RI - but I never found out about Watch Hill. Glad you are having a summery summer. (-:
Fifi Flowers said…
GORGEOUS New England! Have a fantastic time... can't wait to hear all about it... more photos too I hope! ENJOY!
Sigh! It's so GREY outside. Whatever happened to summer this year? And these pictures make me crave the sunshine and the countryside even more.
Rebecca said…
oh, to enjoy a new england summer. so beautiful.
My Notting Hill said…
I love Watch Hill! We stayed in the Ocean House many years ago. And, I happen to have a picture of the first house you posted on my blog too(right hand column) It is my all-time favorite! Michele
Marie Louise said…
Thanks for writing everyone. I've been away for a week and haven't been on my computer.

Notting Hill - You're right! We do have the same house. And you are the one with the photo of the tree at Annanberg on St. John as well. We were there last March. Small world!
lotta said…
This is such a coincidence - we were supposed to go to Watch Hill next week to meet up with extended family. Due to unforeseen circumstances our plans got changed and we will have to wait another year for our visit. Thank you for sharing the photos - now I can still be there vicariously.
Anonymous said…
Those are the most awsome photos of Watch Hill! We summered for years & years at Watch Hill with our boat ~ anchored out for weeks at a time! I just love all aspects of Watch Hill, and we go & watch the Historic Merry Go-Ground (albeit, wistfully), with memories of when the girls were young. But now with a granddaughter, and future grandson, I'm sure we'll be returning for the smell of the salt air, the taffy, the Tearoom, and to watch the grandkiddos go 'round, trying to grab the brass rings! Thanks for the memories!
Wow, the house with the eyebrow windows is amazing!!
Anonymous said…
WOW MARY! I just found your blog through Kerry's farmers Market blog and thought I'd do some pokin' around. Imagine my surprise when I saw this post about Watch Hill! I just linked to Kerry because I did a post on the Goddard Park Farmers' Market in Rhode Island! I know Watch Hill! Gorgeous little town.
Looking at Cindy's comment before me, we also have something in common. We live on our sailboat all year...yep, in the winter too...and she mentions anchoring out for weeks on end! Small world huh?
BTW, your blog is beautiful and your photos stunning!
Stop by to see mine and see what you think. We're almost neighbors!
Lorraine said…
Those houses - a portico and eyebrow windows - gorgeous. We were to Bayhead, NJ yesterday and Cape May today enjoying all the lovely Victorians. Can't say that we spent $20 to park, although they were charging $1/hr. just to shop in Cape May. Lovely pictures and great blog!!!!
Anonymous said…
Oh, boy... I think Watch Hill is the best beach in the entire state. I have left my footprints there while staying at a friends place in near by Stonington, CT. Now this beach is an hour away from where I live (too). Great Shots! I'm going to include this in an upcoming post of mine...

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