Peonies are in Bloom!

Got a fab new Sony Digital camera for my birthday from my wonderful husband. The first thing I snapped were these 10 inch peonies growing in my garden. Can't take the credit for them, the previous home owner did the planting. The hubby says all my flowers having sex is wreaking havoc with his allergies!


Peonies are hands-down my favorite flower. Beautiful photos!
Mrs.French said…
oh lucky you, a new camera! I think this is the one my dad just purchased this week...I am trying not to have camera envy. These photos are stunning!
Mrs.French said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
My all time fav flowers, though again, we don't have them here in the hot weather..never seen them real, and you have them in your garden!
happy weekend :)
These are gorgeous! I had 8 peonies in our last garden. I loved them. I miss them.

Wonderful photos...
Marie Louise said…
Thanks girls! These are beautiful. I have had them in the past but these are absolutely HUGE - I've never seen them so big. The thing with peonies is that you can't plant them too deep - they won't bloom.
I will be getting more this season as soon as the perennials go on sale - trying to be good!
Peonies are glorious! Almost nothing compares. Have fun with your new camera- what a treat!
goddessof4 said…
I need that camera!!!!! Thanks,for stopping by my blog!!! I have enjoyed discovering your blog!!!! I will keep stopping by!!!
Unknown said…
these are beautiful!!! peonies are ultra-lovely.
thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for your lovely comment.
whoa! how sharp and beautiful are those!!

You are so lucky, you are the consumer of my dreams : )

haha, so glad you commented on my blog, so I could find yours!

Sabina said…
I am jealous - wonderful photos!!
heidi said…
I am blinded by gorgeousness!
Thanks for visiting my blog! The peonies are amazing and are definitely my favorite flower. I hope to plant some soon! I love your blog, btw.
marga said…
What a beautifull peonies....i have peonies to in my garden, white ones en a soft pink ones. They smell so wonderfull.
Have a nice weekend.
Robin said…
I so miss the white peonies I had in the front of my old house. They looked great in a cracked old Blue Willow teapot with some wild indigo.
annechovie said…
Peonies are the MOST gorgeous flower! What beautiful photos!
Fifi Flowers said…
Great photos! I'm soooo jealous... love peonies! They will not grow in my garden... how sad is that! :(
Hila said…
Thanks for dropping by my blog and for your sweet comment.
Perth is just lovely - but it's also very small and isolated, so I often feel the need to travel, which I have done on many occasions!
Nihal said…
Smiling Hello from Istanbul:)
Glad to have your visiting, Marie Louise:) Thanks a lot for your sweet comment.
Your peonies beauty-full, and yr photography skills amazing. Your site piqued my interest, and deserves my xtra time to read more and more! I shall be back soon again, and a note I'll be pleased to meet ya at CrossRoads again:)

~N at CrossRoads
acaligurl said…
such lovely flowers.
Unknown said…
Hi Marie-Louise. Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. Wow your peonies are lovely. I planted one recently and it already has a bud. I hope it will bloom.
Take care, Marianne.
Elizabeth said…
I can see why these would be an ideal subject!
Such a lush and wonderful flower.
Anonymous said…
Photography is about capturing moments.
Best Wishes !
Camille said…
I was daydreaming one day, rattling off a list of what my garden will have when we finally settle in one spot. (Hubby's military.)

One of the top ten: peonies. Absolutely beautiful and your photo does them justice.
Marie Louise said…
Thanks everyone for your nice comments about my peonies. As I mentioned, the previous owner of the house planted them. It's almost noon on this beautiful Sunday - I have to get off my *&%#$ and add my own effort to my garden!
Alyson and Ford said…
Beautiful. I would be content to sit and read amongst them for hours on a sunny, summer day!

Alyson LID 01/27/06 IA China
littlebyrd said…
Beautiful! Peonies are my favorite flowers...ours haven't opened yet.
Your look stunning!
..... said…
this pics are so sweet !! and thanks for your comment !
samplerlover said…
Hi Marie Louise, hank you for visiting my blog. Computers are such a pain sometimes. This one that I am using at the moment is soooo slow.
Love your peonies. They are one of my favourite flowers. Your photos are beautiful. What a lovely present from your DH. = Sandra.
.. said…
Marie Louise, thanks for visiting my blog, you make me very happy!!
Your camera is so beautiful and the peonies looks great!!!!!
Have a nice week!
katiedid said…
These are stunning! I am so glad you dropped by my blog. For some reason I had thought you were on my blog links, but when I went to find you you weren't there! So I am adding you asap. I am trying to take the plunge and get started with my own design studio so you are very inspiring to me!
SandraRee said…
Great shots! That's the camera I have Marie Louise... don't cha love it?! :)
Mary-Laure said…
Peonies (especially pink ones) are my favorite flowers! I was going to post about them this week on my blog too, as I just got this huge peony bunch!
monologue said…
I'm looking to replace my old camera...I'll check into this one. Thanks for posting!

Warm regards,
Martha B.
Jill said…
I love peonies! Mine are about to bloom anyday now. Beautiful photos and great blog. Thanks for leaving me a comment so I could find you!
Jess said…
Marie Louise, thanks for visiting recently. Happy Belated Birthday, too. Those peonies are delish and I'm loving your new camera!
Seanrwatson2 said…
Very beautiful intricately detailed photos. I love the vivid colors!
please sir said…
New cameras are fun - great photos!
Lu. Lu. said…
lol I like the statement made by your husband...
Rebecca said…
I just got a new DSLR, too! I'm having a ball learning how to use it, what a fun hobby. Your pictures are beautiful. So far, I've been capturing my 2 year old. I should practice on something stationary. :)
Alyssa said…
Guess peonies are MANY people's favorites! Mine too:) They have the perfect combo of gorgeous colors, fragrance, and fullness that I love. They can keep having sex as far as I am concerned:) hahaha - too funny.

Thanks for commenting on my blog! I wrote you back on it. You have a great blog - I am with you completely about doing something that fulfills you in life. Keep it up.
Hey Harriet said…
Ooooh I like your new swanky camera! What a cool gift! The flower photos are just beautiful! I purchased a new digi-cam (not as fancy as yours ;) early this year & I'm still figuring it out...Eeeek! I'm having fun with it all the same :)
Laura in Paris said…
I love peonies! I lived in China for over five years and loved the paintings (scrolls) of peonies that were to be found everywhere! I visited Luoyang (famous for the peonies) at the time they're in full blossom and it was unforgettable!
Paris said…
Haha! I understand your husband's irritation! Damn hay fever! I'm looking for a good camera, this looks like a screensaver, the quality is really crisp. Beautiful flowers, I love gardens full of flowers xx
peter said…
Peonies have to be the most favorite ever!!!
Heather said…
ah...beautiful! Both the flower and camera! One of my 1st digital cameras was a Sony're going to love your new toy!

My Photography & More>
Antique Therapy said…
I wanted to thank you for leacing your nice comments. I have always loved taking photos, i actually want to get a new camera because the one I have now can tend to be a little blurry sometimes. I dropped it a while back. So I think that may have impacted the clarity. I had a good laugh about your husbands comment about all of the flowers having sex. I think adding some humor to a blog makes it fun!! Good luck with the new camera, you should try some self portraits!!

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