Thank You Mackenzie!

I woke up this morning and to my surprise found a mention of my humble little blog in Mackenzie Carpenter's article, "Bloggers Offer Shelter to Decor, Design, Style" in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette! As it turns out, Mackenzie and I are both working moms, have three daughters (we each have a 15 year old), and finally, try our best to take the world in stride. The latter similarity I discovered by reading her "Teen Angst" column at I think one of the reason's the blog-o-sphere has gotten so popular is that there is a common thread of experience that weaves it's way through all of our lives, whether in Minnesota or Mumbai. It's nice to know that someone "gets" us!
So thank you Mackenzie - especially for including me in such great company. I happen to be one of Habitually Chic's 5,000 daily readers myself!

~Marie Louise~


Anonymous said…
Brilliant! Congratulations!
Robin said…
Congrats ML! Welcome Pittsburgh-ites!
Lydee said…
very cool! congrats!
An excellent blog in excellent company...hearty congratulations to you!

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